About us

Where we live

We are lucky to live in Austria's wonderful capital Vienna. It's a great place for fashion photography with beautiful shooting locations around every corner. We love our homebase, but we also love to travel the world. We are curious about where life is going to take us and which stunning places it wants us to explore.

Our dreams

Faith is all you need, that's what we experienced. Do what you love, that's the key. We are in the lucky position to have a partner at our side, who has the same interests, who shares the same view of life. Therefore it's the logical consequence to reach out to the maximum. Fashion and photography are two disciplines which match perfectly, and so do we. We do not hope, we have faith. Faith in life's possibilities.

That's us

Love is all.

That's why we are together. As lovers we enjoy spending everyday life together, not only as a couple, but also as fellows.


After a few months of walking through life as Kath and Niklas, we discovered, that it may not be an accident, that a girl being obsessed with photography met such a stunningly beautiful man. So we started making photos, in the beginning only for private and artistic using.


But after a while we couldn't deny the obviousness of us being such a good match. So we started to shoot regularly, and that's where our numerous portfolio works come from.


We love shooting together, catching the present moment, feeling the winds blowing through our hair. We are epicures, enjoying life's daily gifts and chances.


We are and will always be dreamers. And we dare to dream big. There is more to fashion photography than the eye can see. It's not only about portraying lifestyle, it means catching the feeling of moments and making the unvisible visible.


As a team of artists we are determined to display world's beauty to all of you.

Hope you enjoy it!

katharina steiner

feel . forest

Katharina Steiner



feel . fashion

Niklas Wiezorek & Katharina Steiner

Webdesign by kathvisual.at